ES-1 Edge Metal System
The IBC building code requires that all low slope roofing systems (built up asphalt, single ply, modified, etc.) use perimeter metal...

How Rain Becomes Snow
#snow #weather #information

Residential Re-roof
Here is a nice little residential reroof in Denver, CO. Tear off, re-deck and shingle with new edge metal. #denverrealestate...

TPO Retrofit for Metal Roofs
#flatroofing #tpo #commercial

Detail Work on TPO Roof
T - Patches Sealant Pockets Targets Curbs Pipe Penetrations Corners

Learn How to Prevent Ice Dams & What to Do If You Get Them
How to prevent ice dams! To prevent an ice dam, don't heat the roof, keep it cold. That way, the snow on the roof eventually dissipates...

Whether you are a building owner, property manager, GC or other contractor, hiring a roofing contractor with safe worksite and roofing...

Lawn Peals Up in Rhode Island / 60-80 mph wind
Look at the damage high winds caused to a lawn!?!? Click Link Below for a Video. http://www.weather.com/news/weather/video/storm-tears-th...
New Line Roofing - New Tweets Are Up
We have a few new twees up! Take a look and click below! - https://twitter.com/NewLineRoof/status/642057844875898880 -...

Fastening Patterns
When installing an adhered roofing system, the most fasterners are utilized in the corners of the roof with a reduced amount at the...